Advanced Medical Statistics
Master survival analysis and clinical follow-up data interpretation to enhance your research skills and improve patient outcomes.
Course Orientation
Add Google Meet link to you agenda (to attend lectures and practicals live)
Week 1: Step-by-step guide for course participants to download and install R analysis program
FREE PREVIEWWeek1: Practical video Demonstration Introduction to R program
FREE PREVIEWWeek1: Lecture PDF ( Clinical Data and Mixed Regression Models)
FREE PREVIEWWeek1: Lecture Video Recording ( Clinical Data and Mixed Regression Models)
Week 1: Practical Session (Data files and analysis codes)
Week 1: Practical session video (Clinical multilevel data analysis)
WeeK 2 : Lecture (PDF) Survival analysis
FREE PREVIEWWeeK 2 : Lecture (Video) Survival analysis using Cox OR Weibull regression
Exercise: Censoring and Truncation
Download Practical data files and R codes (Survival data)
Week 2: Practical video (Survival Analysis in R and SPSS)
Download data files and step-by-step instructions for Practical 3
Practical Week 3 (Extra-training video)
Request your Course Certificate
Hands-On Exercises